Her name is Shakira Isabel.
She is 35 years old.
She was born in Barranquilla, Colombia.
She was born on the 2 February 1977.

She is a singer.
Her star a singer.
Her star sign is Aquarius.
Her mother is Colombian. Her father is Lebanese. Now Shakira lives in Miami Florida, in the USA.
Her friends cold her "Shaki".
Shakira in Arabic is "full of grace"
When she was seven she asked.
Father Christmas a typewriter because she wanted to write poems and songs.
When she was ten she decided to be a singer.
When she was thirteen she made her first album, Magia. It was in Spanish.
She speaks three languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English.
She writes songs in English and Spanish.

She plays drums, harmonica and guitar.
And she loves dancing.
She decided to create "Pies Descalzos".
Pies Descalzos is a foundation that helps and educates unfortunate children in Colombia.
She wants to have children and somewhere to plant onions and tomatoes.
She wants to have animals and a place where she can read and paint.
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